Travels & Thailand
hi & welcome back to the blog!
A brief intermission for my funding announcement!
I AM 71% FUNDED!!!
After some brief calculations taking out the support of monthly sponsors I only have roughly $3,000 left to raise!
I feel incredible blessed and supported and want to bring a huge THANK YOU to anyone and everyone who has been able to give to my race thus far! Whether you have been a welcoming supporting phone call or a pledge donation it all has made this trip that much easier for me!
Going foward it is my goal to be fully funded BY the new year – that gives me ONE month to raise $3000 dollars!
Are YOU willing to partner will me on this journey?
Even if thats todays $5 coffee or just $1 a week? How bout $20 per blog post you read? Christmas / Birthday Gifts!

I am SO willing to be in contact with any connections you may have as well, business, churches, friends, family members, etc!
I would love to also do odd and end tasks as needed! I have experience in digital design and can navigate online tools pretty easily if you need support with anything!
Friendly reminder my phone number ONLY works on whatsApp!!
My email is [email protected] or find me on social media @ wildd.flowerz
Now back to our normal briefing
Today I brought some fresh homegrown ginger tea! So let’s take a walk & chit chat! 6
Apologies for the gap between blogs, it’s been a busy few weeks!
My last week in Malaysia
Though this last week was hard it was also overflowing with wonderful events filled with fellowship and community! One of the biggest things we were working towards during our time in Malaysia was learning a dance for a local church member’s music video which we filmed in a desert landscape on November 10th. Each of the world’s race women each dressed in color coordinated robes and headscarves, skinny plastic heels, and a face of makeup. We dance in the uncomfortable heat and heels for a couple hours, perfecting the shoots and dances! At the moment it might have been miserable, but as a team and squad we were able to encourage each other and remember the purpose behind not only this project but our time in malaysia. Learning to serve and lay ourselves down for those around us, especially when it was uncomfortable. It was a memory I’ll never forget! (stay updated for the music video release on 12/25) On the way home from this day the van I was in broke down in the highway, after a few minutes it was decided to push it out of the road way in to the grass and wait for a new ride, which then 8-9 of us piled into a 5 seater car to continue the 45 minutes back to home base, another test of encouragement and uncomfortably. Later the same night we were invited to a healing conference at a local church, they were expecting hundreds of people to show up in need of prayer, support, and encouragement and asked our squad to be there to help guide people. Tired but still full of joy and life we continued to this event, which was intense to watch and be a part of, seeing and questioning how other cultures and perspectives of faith choose to represent healing and deliverance. If the theme wasn’t apparent by now let me say, this day and week was uncomfortable, but eye opening as I allowed myself to stay open minded to gain new perspectives. Starting our last week teaching local kids english I didn’t have an assigned student, but on tuesday afternoon a new little girl joined our school, she was assigned to me for the final two days! On one hand I felt grateful for the opportunity to teach another child but on the other I was overwhelmed and doubted my ability to connect and make an impact in just two short days. It was challenging to get just a few words from her but we connected over food and found ABC crackers to practice spelling with and enjoyed water coloring and plenty of stickers! My sweet Alsyah! Later this week we were able to make a trip to visit our kids in their village. We played field games, built legos, shared a meal, blew bubbles, and shared bittersweet goodbyes! Then my lovely teammate and I were invited to church aunties house to make some much loved and carved marsala chai tea! It was a beautiful cold morning spent in the kitchen connecting, listening, and learning the measurements of a family recipe which I now replicate and love dearly. The rest of my week was spent on coffee dates connecting and chatting with fellow girls on my squad, knowing we’d be separated in Thailand, trying to squeeze the last moments out of our talks and giggles together! Then less than 12 hours before our departure I had a tattoo appointment to get a memento of my time and lessons learned in malaysia. On my right ankle I got a white lily with 3 buds, one for peace, one for patience, and one for joy. The three lessons in which I faced, walked through, and came to appreciate through my 40 days in Malaysia. This simple tattoo has been a reminder to keep growing, that the things we once lacked are always possible to gain. Then my few hours left in Malaysia were spent packing, cleaning, hugging our dear hosts goodbye, and watching the sunrise as bus wheels lead us towards our next journey 50 hours & 1157 miles away.
Malaysia to Thailand
On November 17th at 4am all 34 member of M-squad woke up to begin our travels to Thailand, leaving by 6am via bus to get to the Thailand border, then continuing for an additional 2 hours to get to the Hat Yai train station where we waited for 6 hours to board our 16 hour train ride to Bangkok. After arriving at Bangkok we said see you soon to one of the 4 teams on my squad – salt n light who we wouldn’t see until Christmas. We waited at the Bangkok train station 6 more hours before boarding a 12 hour train to Chiang Mai, where we than said see you soon to our other 2 teams, Summit and M.O.G – who would be staying in Chiang Mai while we (team Radiant stars) travel over a mountain into the valley and arrived in Chiang Dao – the city of stars. In total our travels were 50 hours, 6 hours on a bus, 28 hours on trains, and 16 hours in layovers. The travel days were another HUGE test of uncomfortability, encouragement, and patience. It wasn’t the fastest, most comfortable, or efficient travel day, but everyone arrived safely! The trains were day train style, two 4 foot benches facing each other with overhead racks for bags. The hard cold leather benches, open metal windows, greasy and dusty floors, one toilet for hundreds of travelers, & yet here we world racers were, with our 50 pound bags, backpacks, blankets, bags of snacks, all piling into these trains used for local commuting. Not all can be complained about though because we experience the most breathing sunsets and sunrises in open air trains as we chugged along the Thailand countrysides, with the ability to wave and smile at locals in small villages as we passed, try new foods from walking vendors, share stories with travelers around us, meet monks, and find joy in the fellowship of friendship around us. I even met young solo traveling women and were able to share stories and gain a friend! The refreshment of cold fresh air welcomed us to the mountains and rolling green pastors of north Thailand, seeing plenty of cows, goats, water buffalo, and even an elephant or two! Thailand, our welcoming lush green pastors and banana trees, a breath of freedom and fresh clean air!
Chiang Dao, Thailand !
Chiang Dao directly translates to the city of stars, a beautiful small city spread out across a valley nussed between north Thailand mountain ranges, with no major airports or big cities it is well kept as a dark sky reserve for perfect effortless viewing of the whole starry night sky. It also serves as a home for many little resorts, perfect for a breath of fresh air, hiking, and natural hot springs! My team of 10 girls feels so perfectly placed here as our team name chosen week one way back in Georgia USA is the radiant stars. Our team has found our promised land as we settle into a darling homestead run by our beautiful hosts Wanida and Arron and their 12 children. Since 2014 Wanida has built and maintained a homestead called Fountain of Hope to support and adopt children from rural villages who would have been in danger of abandonment, sex trafficking, drug use, or extreme manual labor. She currently has 10 adopted children, 2 biological, and 5 older children who have since graduated and began successful adult lives. Living and partnering with Wanida looks different each day, but always a blessing. Most morning we rise early before or with the sun to have personal time, go on walks!!! Or quietly enjoy the sounds of a waking farm. We enjoy each meal home grown and home cooked! The farm includes acres of lushes of banana, mango, star fruit, papaya & pomelo trees! (probably many more I forgot to name as well) A full garden of vegetables, 11 pigs, 2 geese, a handful of turkeys, endless chicken, 2 dogs (+ most recently 2 rescued puppies). Wanida has built 2 beautiful homes, one for her and the children and one for guests and partnerships, a large kitchen, gathering areas, and is continuing to work on clearing her land to hopefully build more homes, a library, and more! She takes wonderful care of sending all 12 of her kids to education during the days, in the mornings guiding them through the word of God, & in the evenings on how to be responsible for farm life and cooking meals. On weekends the children also spend time practicing English and engaging in worship and scripture! During our time we have had the privilege to accompany Wanida with farm chores, including weeding below all the fruit trees and clearing the land in preparation for upcoming projects. This past week we went to local preschools to help teach english to local thai children, in the coming weeks we will visit monk schools and a highschool to do the same! On the weekends we travel to villages to assist as needed there, teach Wanida’s children more english and pour in to them in play and reading, engage in worship & music, sharing time in the kitchen cooking, baking, and ending our weekend evenings watching disney movies!! It is a beautiful blessing of purpose to be here in Thailand, waking each day refreshed and ready to serve my community in my team of 9 other women growing in themselves and their relationship with faith! To be able to walk among the trees, eat fresh fruits, homemade meals, learn the language, hang out with delightful smiles painted across children’s faces, filling the energy of any space. To spend my afternoon growing in knowledge as I discover new books, journal, and reflect on mindsets and purpose. Chiang Dao is team Radiants’ own little version of the promised land, as we learn to appreciate the simplicity of life, growing in our friendships within each other, creating memories to cherish, and a faith that glows as bright as the stars above our heads. Almost two weeks in Thailand & I pray that one day I will be able to return to the blessings I have found here in the valley that contains the city of stars!
With many adventures & much love
Aliya Koziol <3
Our host Wanida reminds me of a living embodiment of the Proverbs 31 women, give it a read and be refreshed and encouraged by the beautiful strength of a woman!
Exodus 12:25
“When you enter the land that the Lord will give you as he promised. You are to keep this service.” + a reread of Genius which talks heavily of God’s promise to Abraham and the promised land.

Love hearing of your adventures and seeing your pictures, favorite niece!
I read this in the car with my family and just had to show them your pic of the 3 pigs. I enjoy all your pictures, but especially this one. I also love it when you add Scriptures to your blogs- so good!